Tax Credits, Incentives & Savings

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8 Total Reviews /files//complete-mechanical-logo-300-66.jpg425-742-6897$2020 Oak Rd., Lynnwood WA

Save on Your Next Home Improvement Project

Puget Sound Energy Rebates

Heating rebates and offers

Get cash back on energy-efficient heating systems

Replacing an inefficient heating system can save you money on energy bills and also improve the comfort of your home. Use PSE's wide variety of heating rebates to make the purchase of an energy-efficient electric or natural gas heating system easier on your wallet.

Ductless heat pump rebate

For electric customers

Receive an $800 rebate from PSE when you convert to a qualifying ductless heat pump system.

Equipment requirements

  • Your new ductless system must be AHRI Certified® as a variable speed mini-split and multi-split heat pump and use inverter technology, and be a minimum of ¾ ton in heating mode.
  • It must have an HSPF of at least 9.0, or an HSPF2 of at least 8.6. For units that have both HSPF and HSPF2, the HSPF rating will be used to determine eligibility.
  • At least one indoor head must be installed in the main living (high-flow) area of the home; bedroom only installations do not qualify.
  • Must install to comply with all federal, state and local code requirements.
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Electric Forced-air furnace to air-source heat pump conversion rebate

For electric customers

Receive a $1,500 rebate from PSE when you replace your electric forced-air furnace with a qualifying energy-efficient air-source heat pump.

Equipment requirements

  • Your new traditional unitary heat pump system must be AHRI Certified®
  • Heat pump must have an HSPF of at least 8.5, or HSPF2 of at least 7.5. For units that have both HSPF and HSPF2, the HSPF rating will be used to determine eligibility.
  • Must install to comply with all federal, state and local code requirements.
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Forced-air furnace rebate

For natural gas customers

Receive a $700 rebate when you purchase a qualifying natural gas forced-air furnace for your home.

Equipment requirements

  • You must install an AHRI® or ENERGY STAR® certified natural gas furnace with 95% annual fuel utilization efficiency (AFUE) rating or better on or after January 1, 2023.
  • Any natural gas furnace installed with a new or existing heat pump is not eligible for a rebate.
  • Your new furnace installation must comply with all federal, state and local code requirements.
  • For a list of qualified equipment visit ENERGY STAR.
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Integrated space and water heat rebate

For natural gas customers

Receive an $800 rebate from PSE when you either purchase and install or upgrade to a qualifying integrated space- and water-heating system for your home.

Equipment requirements

  • Qualifying integrated space- and water-heating systems must include either:
    • A single-source ENERGY STAR® qualified natural gas tankless water heater with an Energy Factor (EF) rating of 0.91 or higher.
    • A single-source ENERGY STAR qualified natural gas boiler with an AFUE rating of 95 percent or higher.
  • Completely hydronic/radiant or a combination of forced-air and hydronic/radiant systems are eligible.
  • Your integrated space and water heating system must be your primary heating source AND provide direct domestic hot water to your home.
  • Indirect storage (tank) water heaters are not eligible.
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Heating Rebates

When temperatures drop, energy bills increase because of heating costs. For customers with electrically heated homes, the PUD offers instant rebates to help you pay for eligible heat pumps, which offer efficient heating in the winter and cooling in the summer!

Customers must have electric heat as a primary heating source to qualify. Work must be completed by a PUD Registered Trade Ally.

Eligible Measures PUD Rebate
Duct Sealing
Single Family $5.00 per lineal foot, maximum $450
Manufactured Homes  
Requirements $Rebate: Up to $1 per square foot
Attic insulation must be R-19 or less to R-49  
Floor insulation must be R-11 or less to R-30
Wall insulation must be R-0 to R-11
Requirements New windows must be double/triple pane and rated U.30 or lower
Replacing single-pane windows: $100 per window  
Replacing double-pane metal frame windows: $50 per window
Heat Pumps
Ductless ≥9.0 HSPF &
14 SEER = $800
Ducted, Conversion ≥9.0 HSPF &
14 SEER = $1,000
Ducted, Conversion - Sized ≥9.0 HSPF &
14 SEER = $1,500
Ducted, Inverter-Driven - Sized ≥10.0 HSPF &
14 SEER = $2,500
Upgrades (operational heat pumps) ≥9.0 HSPF &
14 SEER = $600
Commissioning, Controls & Sizing ≤9.0 HSPF &
14 SEER = $200